Archive voting
Thank You, Voters!

Thank You, Voters!

Why vote?

People have asked me many times since we started our blog why we decided to let other people make decisions about our home instead of just doing it ourselves. It’s a good question and we have a number of answers. One is, as we have said before, we don’t love making decisions ourselves and this takes that burden away. Thank you for that, dear readers and voters! Another is, someday we will want to sell this house (more on when “someday” might be in this post) and the more opinions we get from all of you, the more likely we are to consider every opinion of a potential buyer. Another is, as personal as home decisions may be, there are many people who read this blog who have experiences and/or training that I do not have and they are kind enough to share ideas and knowledge that I wouldn’t have access to without this forum. I am SO grateful for that. That said, whether you are formally trained in something design related, have experimented with your own house, or just spend a lot of time watching HGTV- we value your feedback and opinions so much and hope that you will keep sharing them with us.

It’s Voting Time!

It’s Voting Time!

On our last blog post, we showed off our baby girl’s nursery and the response was amazing. We are so grateful for each and every one of you who took the time to check out our work. We are still floored by the positive feedback we received from all of you! You made us feel so special! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Now, instead of giving you a full tour of our son’s bedroom, we would like to first ask for your help with making a fairly big decision. If you have been around for a while, you remember that we took a vote last year on whether or not to build a loft in our son’s bedroom. Originally, we thought for sure that every single person would vote “yes” but then the votes started coming in and you guys really surprised us. For a while, we thought the loft was quite possibly going to be voted down. In the end, you voted for happiness the loft and all was right in the world.

Lofty Dreams

Lofty Dreams

I can’t believe it has been almost two weeks since we last updated everyone on the new bedroom!  Those weeks were a total whirlwind around here.  They were full of taping, sanding, coating, building, Pinning, researching, imagining, and obsessing.  I, admittedly, have been way more responsible for the aspects of the job that require me to exert very little physical energy and I have been kind enough to allow Ronan to take on almost all of the manual labor  because I only have about 8 more weeks left of using this pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy.

In all seriousness, I have been losing so much sleep over this project, but not because of the reasons I expected.  I thought that I would be freaking out about not having a nursery ready for the baby at this point.  However, the reality is that we can’t get going on the nursery until we finish this bedroom for our 4-year-old and while we could just rush through this room in order to get to the baby’s room, that doesn’t seem like the right choice.  The choice to make the new bedroom feel like a room that was always meant to be in this house seems like the responsible one and that is what we intend to do.  While we would like to hurry up this renovation and start finishing up more projects, we owe it to this old house to make the room as special as we can.  Rushing through it would be doing the house a disservice.  That said, the time for a big decision has come and we would love your help.