Archive loft
Lofty Dreams

Lofty Dreams

I can’t believe it has been almost two weeks since we last updated everyone on the new bedroom!  Those weeks were a total whirlwind around here.  They were full of taping, sanding, coating, building, Pinning, researching, imagining, and obsessing.  I, admittedly, have been way more responsible for the aspects of the job that require me to exert very little physical energy and I have been kind enough to allow Ronan to take on almost all of the manual labor  because I only have about 8 more weeks left of using this pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy.

In all seriousness, I have been losing so much sleep over this project, but not because of the reasons I expected.  I thought that I would be freaking out about not having a nursery ready for the baby at this point.  However, the reality is that we can’t get going on the nursery until we finish this bedroom for our 4-year-old and while we could just rush through this room in order to get to the baby’s room, that doesn’t seem like the right choice.  The choice to make the new bedroom feel like a room that was always meant to be in this house seems like the responsible one and that is what we intend to do.  While we would like to hurry up this renovation and start finishing up more projects, we owe it to this old house to make the room as special as we can.  Rushing through it would be doing the house a disservice.  That said, the time for a big decision has come and we would love your help.