Archive dining room

The Dining Room Decisions Continue

We are deep into weekend two of brickwork over here. It turns out that the whole brick installation process is pretty time-consuming. Who would have guessed? Probably everyone. Ronan hopes to be done with the brick by the end of the day and then we will be ready for a beer to move onto the next project.  That means it is time to make some more decisions!

As we mentioned in the last post, in this poll we will be asking all of you to determine what happens on both sides of the bump-out.  Thanks so much to everyone who reached out through comments, messages, pins, and texts to offer suggestions. We loved them and think we have narrowed the choices down to two very good options. We have a feeling that this poll isn’t going to be as evenly divided as our last poll was, but we have certainly seen people miss the mark on pre-poll predictions in the past, haven’t we?


Time to make some decisions!!

Time to make some decisions!!

As promised on our last post, we are ready to move onto our next project and want to introduce one of the features of this blog that we are most excited about!  If you checked out our The People and The House page, you know that throughout this process we are going to be asking you, our readers, to help us make some of the tough decisions.  You will be doing us a huge favor if you take some of the responsibility off of our hands and hopefully it will be a little more fun for you, our readers, if at the end of it all you know that you helped make this house into exactly what it becomes.  (That said, if it ends up being a total mess, we will have lots of people to share the blame with. Just kidding! It will all work out!)