Archive before and after
We know it’s what’s on the inside that counts but…

We know it’s what’s on the inside that counts but…

Hi friends! We have good news and bad news.  The good news is that my son is watching Arthur on PBS right now and the episode is about blogging which has to be some sort of sign that the writer has definitely run out of plot ideas it is a good day to finally write a new post.  The bad news is all of the characters are mad at Muffy because she is obsessed with her blog, “The Muffington Post”, and I am a little jealous of her amazingly high level of motivation.  The other piece of bad news is that our renovation work is moving along pretty slowwwwwly over here.  We have been alternating between working on a few outside projects, working on the upstairs bathrooms, and having lots of summer fun which has led to a lot of half-done projects that are anything but attractive to look at.  They are well on their way to becoming something special, they just aren’t there yet.

However, we do have some progress to share and I thought that the best way to get back into the swing of all of this was to start with a vote! More on that in a minute…

How long have we been living in this house and what have we done so far?

How long have we been living in this house and what have we done so far?

We have been living here a little longer than the progress might lead you to believe.

Our actual move in was a little chaotic.  To keep things moving, I will explain how it all happened with the help of a timeline:

July 12th, 2016– We moved out of the last renovation house that we had been living in. That house was about 20 minutes away from our current house. Ronan and his brother, Conall, did that project together over the course of a couple of years.   We moved into it after the renovations were 95% complete and stayed there for about 9 months before selling it.  We knew we didn’t want to stay there forever, but now we find ourselves staring at pictures of it and commenting on how warm, finished, and neat it was! While this whole renovation process is super fun, we can’t wait to have that feeling of calm here, when all of the hard work is done. (Here are some pictures of that house for reminiscing purposes.)